5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 8
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
adopt verb They will adopt a child. to take into one's family as your own child
adore verb They adore their child. to regard with deep, often rapturous love
adult noun You can vote when you are an adult. one who has attained maturity or legal age
advance verb You advance to the head of the line. to move or cause to move forward
noun It's an important advance in science. a forward move, as toward an objective
advanced adj. It was an advanced idea. highly developed or complex
advantage noun It is to our advantage. benefit or profit; gain
adventure noun It was an exciting adventure. an unusual or exciting experience
adverb noun An adverb modifies a verb. grammar term
advertisement noun It was an advertisement for beer. a notice to sell designed to attract public attention
advice noun Do you have some good advice? opinion about what could or should be done
advise verb I advise you not to go there. to recommend; suggest
verb I will advise you of their decision. to inform; notify