5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 12
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
alarm verb Loud noises will alarm most people. to fill with fright; scare
noun The alarm made the robber go away. a warning of existing or approaching danger
alas intj. Alas, he would not believe me. to his sorrow
album noun The photos were in an album. a book of blank pages for insertion of collections
alcohol noun Beer has 6% alcohol in it. intoxicant
alert adj. An alert guard can stop crime. vigilantly attentive; watchful
alike adj. Some good books are alike. having a close resemblance; similar
adv. They both look alike. in the same manner or to the same degree
alive adj. The audience was alive. full of activity or animation
adj. Her face was alive with mischief. lively
all adj. Treat all men equally. each one
pron. All were drowned in the shipwreck. everybody
adv. She is all wrong. completely