5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 159
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
dwell verb Do not dwell on that too long. ponder
verb I'll dwell in the house of the Lord. live
dwelling noun His dwelling was in the hills. house
dye verb We will dye the clothes blue. color
dying adj. He was a dying man. dead soon
dynamic adj. He was a dynamic leader. vibrant
each adj. Give each one a loaf of bread. every
pron. Each needs to have a warm coat. all in group
eager adj. We are eager to have her work here. excited
eagle noun The eagle is a majestic bird. type of bird
ear noun She cut her ear in the accident. external ear
noun She has a good ear for music. sense of hearing
noun We ate an ear of corn for lunch. cereal head