5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 205
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
flexible adj. It was made of flexible steel. pliable
flight noun The flight of birds is wondrous. soaring
noun There are three flights up to the flat. staircases
noun The flight to the West was slow. exodus
noun We took a flight to Hong Kong. airplane
fling verb We will fling it into the sea. throw
float noun The boy clung to a float. lifebuoy
verb We will float down the river. drift
flock noun We observed a flock of sheep. flight
verb Sheep often flock together in danger. gather
flood noun The flood came after the heavy rain. overflow
verb They flooded the market with watches. glutted
floor noun They had a wooden floor in their hall. bottom surface
noun The building has six floors. stories
verb He floored his opponent in the fight. knocked down