5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 232
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
glitter noun The glitter of lights was dazzling. sparkle
verb The lights glittered in the night. sparkled
globe noun Our globe is a fragile thing. planet
gloomy adj. It was a cold gloomy day. dismal
glorify verb The angels glorified the baby Jesus. worshiped
glorious adj. It was a glorious day to be alive. splendid
glory noun The glory of the Lord shone all around. majesty
glossary noun The glossary was helpful. list of words
glove noun We wear gloves in cold weather. mittens
glow noun The glow from the lights was bright. shining
verb The fire glowed in the dark. burned
glue noun We used glue to fasten the pictures. paste