5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 324
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
loud adj. There was a loud noise. thunderous
adj. She was wearing loud clothes. gaudy
loudspeaker noun The loudspeaker blared out the news. sound device
lounge noun They sat in the lounge drinking tea. lobby
love noun The young couple were in love. adoration
verb He loved his wife with all his soul. cherished
verb Cactus loves hot, dry air. thrives on
lovely adj. It was a lovely evening for us. beautiful
adj. She was wearing a lovely dress. elegant
lover noun He was a lover of classical music. fan
low adj. The sun is low in the sky. on the horizon
adj. He was mean and low. vile
adj. It was a low point in his life. dismal