5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 510
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
sharp adj. She felt a sharp pain. severe
adj. It was a sharp observation. perceptive
adj. He gave some sharp criticism. harsh
sharpen verb He will sharpen the knife for us. whet
sharply adv. He was sharply critical of our efforts. harshly
shatter verb The glass shattered when it fell. splintered
verb They shattered our hopes. destroyed
shave verb You must shave every day in the West. cut whiskers
noun He got a shave and a haircut. whiskers cut
verb She shaved the chocolate for the cake. cut thin slices
she pron. She is a beautiful woman. 3rd person female
shed noun The cow was in a small shed. hut
verb He shed his coat in the warm house. took off