5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page v
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
solemn adj. It was a solemn occasion. somber
solid adj. It is made of solid gold. all
adj. It was a solid idea. substantial
adj. There's a solid wall around the garden. unbroken
solidarity noun We need solidarity for our cause. unity
solo adv. She flew solo from San Francisco to Hawaii. unaccompanied
noun She sang a solo at the concert. no accompaniment
solution noun We need a solution to the problem. resolution
noun It was a solution of water and sugar. mixture
solve verb We must solve the problem of theft. resolve
some pron. Some do not think we are serious. not all people
adj. It will be some time before we can go. unspecified
adv. There were some 40 people present. about