5000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 649
Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
when adv. When will we leave? what time
adv. I know when to leave. at which time
conj. We'll go when the snow melts. at the time
conj. When the wind blows, the doors rattle. any time
pron. Have they decided the where and when? time or date
whenever conj. We can leave whenever you're ready. any time
conj. He smiles whenever he sees her. every time
where adv. Where is the telephone? in what place
adv. Where did you get that idea? from what source
adv. Where are you going? to what place
whereas conj. I went to town whereas he stayed home. while
wherever adv. He used the red pencil wherever needed. any place
whether conj. I passed whether by skill or luck. either