

1. To produce and deposit an egg. Chicken lay an egg almost every day when still young.
2. Non-professional; not being a member of an organized institution. He was a lay preacher.
3. To cause to lie down. We shall lay the child in her crib.
4. To place in or bring to a particular state or position. We first laid the foundation of our house.
5. To bury. We will lay him to rest in his grave.
6. To put down or set down new railroad tracks. We laid the rails needed for the rail line.
7. To devise; contrive. We will lay out the plans for the new office.
8. To present for examination. We will lay out our case for the committee.
9. To terminate an employee. We laid off 300 people who were not needed.

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Shown is a chicken who has laid an egg and sits on it to hatch it