

1. A heavy, pliable, inelastic metal element, having a bright bluish color, but easily tarnished. Shotgun pellets used to be made from lead.
2. Foremost. The contestants are all tied, no one is in the lead position.
3. A thin cylinder of black lead or graphite used in pencils. The lead broke in his pencil.
4. Bullets. The filled him with lead.
5. To show the way to by going in advance. The will lead them into battle.
6. To serve as a route for. The path will lead them to the cemetery.
7. To aim in front. To hit a moving target you must lead your aim.
8. To direct an performance or activity. The conductor will lead an orchestra.
9. To begin or open with. In our card game he led with an ace.

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Shown is two ingots of the metal lead