

1. The opposite of right; towards the west when one is facing north. Turn left at the next corner.
2. (politics) Liberal. His political leaning was towards the left.
3. (boxing) A punch delivered by the left fist. He hit him with a left.
4. (baseball) He played left field.
5. To get out of or away from. He left the room.
6. To go without taking or removing. She left her book on the table.
7. To have as a result, consequence, or remainder. The car left a trail of smoke.
8. To cause or allow to be or remain in a specified state. He left the lights on.
9. To bequeath. He left her all his money.
10. To abandon or forsake. The left his wife for a younger woman.
11. To cause or permit to be or remain attainable. He left himself plenty of time.

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Shown is a highway no left turn sign