

1. To direct or carry to from a lower to a higher position. He lifted the suitcase onto the table.
2. To raise in condition, rank or esteem. Your call lifted my spirits.
3. To revoke by taking back. They lifted the restrictions.
4. To perform cosmetic surgery. She had a face lift.
5. To project or sound in loud, clear tones. They lifted their voices in song.
6. To stop temporarily. The rain lifted by morning.
7. To become elevated; Their spirits lifted when help came.
8. The component of total aerodynamic force acting on an airfoil. See photo.
9. A ride in a vehicle given to help someone to reach a destination. We gave her a lift to town.
10. To disappear or disperse by as if by rising. The fog lifted by noon.

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Shown is a diagram of lift on an aircraft