

1. Collectively, items discarded on the ground. The highways has tons of litter deposited on them each day.
2. The offspring of a mammal born in one birth. The pig has a litter of 20 piglets.
3. Material used as bedding for animals. Straw makes a good litter for a chicken house.
4. Layer of fallen leaves and similar organic matter in the forest floor.
5. A platform mounted on two shafts, or a more elaborate construction, designed to be carried by two or more people to transport one or more person(s) or a cargo, such as a religious idol. The litter bearers carried the wounded from the battlefield.
6. To drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it (as discarding in a public areas rather than trash receptacles). They littered the street with cigarette butts.
7. To produce offspring. It is littering time for the pigs.

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Shown is some household litter left on the ground