1. Of an object, concept. relationship, etc., having existed for a relative
long period of time. The old car still ran well even after 30 years.
2. Of a living being, having lived for most of the expected years. He was a
wrinkled old man.
3. Of a perishable item, having existed for most, or more than its shelf life.
An old loaf of bread still sat on the table.
4. Of an item that has been used and so is not so new. An old toothbrush is
good to clean the computer keyboard.
5. Having existed or lived for a specified time. My son is five years old.
6. Former, previous. My new car is not as good as my old one.
7. That which is no longer in existence. The road follows the path of the old
8. Obsolete; out of date. That is the old way of doing things.
9. A grammatical intensifier, often used in describing something positive. We're
having a good old time.
10. Tiresome. You constant complaining is getting old.
11. Familiar. When he got drunk and quarrelsome they just gave him the old
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