1. The long, narrow stem or body of a spear or an arrow. The shaft of an arrow
should be very straight.
2. Harsh, unfair treatment. Often used with "the." The president of the company
gave the unions the shaft.
3. A long, narrow, often vertical passage sunk into the earth, as for mining
ore; a tunnel. The mine shaft was 1200 feet deep.
4. A long, generally cylindrical bas, especially one that rotates and transmits
power, as the drive shaft on an engine. The drive shaft and the crank shaft must
be balanced well.
5. The handle of any of various tools or implements. Grab the shaft of the
wrench firmly.
6. A vertical passage housing an elevator. With door forced open, he
accidently fell into the elevator shaft to his death.
7. The main axis of a feather. The shaft of some feathers were used to make
writing pens.
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