6001 - 7000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 40 |
Word | Type | Used in a Sentence | Synonym |
glaze | noun | We noticed a icy glaze forming on the lake. | thin glassy coating of ice |
verb | His eyes glazed over when he thought of his crime. | a glassy film | |
glimmer | noun | We held out a glimmer of hope she was alive. | faint trace or indication |
glint | noun | We saw a glint of light as we passed by the house | momentary flash or sparkle |
gorge | noun | We saw the three gorges from the boat. | deep narrow passage |
verb | They gorged themselves on our food. | stuffed, eat as gluttons | |
gracious | adj. | She proved to be a most gracious hostess. | having kindness and warm courtesy |
graft | noun | The official was guilty of graft/ | unscrupulous use of your position |
verb | We will graft the tree tomorrow. | unite a bud with a living tree | |
grandeur | noun | The mansion was one of great grandeur. | magnificence |