7001 - 8000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 26

Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
erase verb He erased the videotape he had made. to remove from a magnetic tape or storage
erroneous adj. She came to an erroneous conclusion. mistaken
erupt verb The volcano erupted after years of dormancy. to emerge violently; explode
escalate verb The rioting seems certain to escalate. to increase or intensify
espionage noun They charged the men with the crime of espionage. the act of spying to obtain secret information
ethics noun We question his business ethics. set of principles of right conduct
ethnic adj. We often eat at an ethnic restaurant. being a member of a distinctive group
etiquette noun Successful people learn to use proper etiquette. the practices prescribed by social convention
etymology noun As a linguist he needed to learn etymology. early origins of language
euphony noun Euphony is more pleasing than cacophony. agreeable sound, especially in phonetics