7001 - 8000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 30

Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
fraternal adj. They were fraternal twins. from two separately fertilized ova
freak noun A freak of nature produced snow in the summer. an occurrence that is highly unusual
frugal adj. We ate a rather frugal lunch that day. costing little; inexpensive
frustrate verb The wind frustrated my attempt to rake the lawn prevent from accomplishing a purpose
fungus noun Fungus will often grow on dead and decaying trees. molds, yeasts, mushrooms
funnel noun Using a funnel will help prevent spills. a conical utensil having a small hole
gaiety noun The party helped spark gaiety and laughter. a state of joyful exuberance or merriment
galaxy noun We saw a galaxy of theatrical performers. an assembly of glamorous or distinguished persons
garlic noun Garlic is a vital part of Italian cooking. an onionlike plant with a strong flavor
genealogy noun Genealogy has become very important to many. record or table of ancestors; a family tree