7001 - 8000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 65

Word Type Used in a Sentence Synonym
psychiatry noun She studied to become a Doctor of psychiatry. branch of medicine of mental disorders
punctilious adj. He had a most punctilious demeanor. strict attention to minute details
punctuate verb They punctuated his lecture with questions. to interrupt periodically
pungent adj. Pungent odors came from her kitchen. affecting organs of taste or smell
purport verb She constantly purports to be altruistic, to have or present a false appearance
quake verb When confronted he started to quake with fear. to shake or tremble
noun The quake of 1962 damaged our home. an earthquake
quaver verb From fear his voice began to quaver. to speak in a quivering voice
quota noun Each person will receive a quota to produce. a production assignment
rabies noun The bite from a bat gave her rabies. an acute, infectious, often fatal disease