7001 - 8000 Vocabulary List for Visiting Scholars in the USA - Page 72 |
Word | Type | Used in a Sentence | Synonym |
skeptic | noun | In America we use skeptic for doubters. | one who habitually doubts or questions |
script | noun | Some use cursive script, others just print. | style of writing by hand |
verb | They scripted the crowd's response. | to orchestrate behavior | |
scrutiny | noun | The crime came under close scrutiny. | a close, careful examination or study |
seclude | verb | You must quickly seclude all the women. | to set or keep apart from others |
secrete | verb | The wound continued to secrete blood. | to flow or leek out slowly |
sector | noun | They reported no activity in our sector. | a part or division, as of a city |
sedate | verb | They sedated the lady after her accident. | to quiet, tranquilize or calm |
sedentary | adj. | The man had a sedentary job. | characterized by requiring much sitting |
sediment | noun | The flood left much sediment on the road. | material deposited by wind or water |