Adverbs -- Common List in American English - Page 5
  1. compactly
  2. companionably
  3. comparably
  4. comparatively
  5. compassionately
  6. compatibly
  7. compellably
  8. competently
  9. competitively
  10. complaisantly
  11. complementally
  12. completely
  13. composedly
  14. compositely
  15. comprehensibly
  16. comprehensively
  17. compressively
  18. compulsively
  19. compulsorily
  20. conceitedly
  1. conceivably
  2. concentrically
  3. conceptually
  4. concisely
  5. conclusively
  6. concordantly
  7. concurrently
  8. conditionally
  9. conducingly
  10. confidentially
  11. confidently
  12. confidingly
  13. configurationally
  14. confirmedly
  15. conformably
  16. conformationally
  17. confoundedly
  18. confusedly
  19. confusingly
  20. congenially
  1. congenitally
  2. congruently
  3. congruously
  4. conjecturally
  5. conjecturally
  6. conjointly
  7. conjugally
  8. conjugately
  9. conjunctly
  10. connectively
  11. conscientiously
  12. consciously
  13. consecutively
  14. consensually
  15. consentaneously
  16. consentingly
  17. consequentially
  18. consequently
  19. conservatively
  20. considerably
  1. considerately
  2. consistently
  3. consolingly
  4. consonantly
  5. conspicuously
  6. conspiratorially
  7. conspiringly
  8. constantly
  9. constrictively
  10. contagiously
  11. contemporaneously
  12. contemporarily
  13. contemptibly
  14. contemptuously
  15. contentedly
  16. contentiously
  17. conterminously
  18. contextually
  19. contiguously
  20. continently
  1. contingently
  2. continually
  3. contractually
  4. contradistinctively
  5. contrarily
  6. contrariously
  7. contrastingly
  8. contributively
  9. contritely
  10. contrivedly
  11. contumaciously
  12. contumeliously
  13. convectively
  14. conveniently
  15. conventionally
  16. conversationally
  17. conversely
  18. convertibly
  19. convexly
  20. convincingly
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