Adverbs -- Common List in American English - Page 11
  1. expertly
  2. explanatively
  3. explicitly
  4. exploitatively
  5. explosively
  6. expressionistically
  7. expressively
  8. expressly
  9. exquisitely
  10. extemporaneously
  11. extemporarily
  12. extendedly
  13. extensively
  14. exteriorly
  15. externally
  16. exterritorialy
  17. extortionately
  18. extracellularly
  19. extracorporeally
  20. extractively
  1. extraordinarily
  2. extraterritorially
  3. extravagantly
  4. extremely
  5. extroversively
  6. exuberantly
  7. exultingly
  8. fabulously
  9. facetiously
  10. facilely
  11. factionally
  12. factiously
  13. factiously
  14. factually
  15. faddishly
  16. faintly
  17. fairly
  18. faithfully
  19. fallibly
  20. falligly
  1. falsely
  2. falteringly
  3. famously
  4. fanatically
  5. fancifully
  6. fancily
  7. fantastically
  8. far
  9. farcically
  10. farther
  11. fascinatingly
  12. fashionably
  13. fast
  14. fastidiously
  15. fastigiately
  16. fatalistically
  17. fatally
  18. fatefully
  19. fathomlessly
  20. fattily
  1. fatuously
  2. faultily
  3. faultlessly
  4. favorably
  5. fawningly
  6. fearfully
  7. fearlessly
  8. fearsomely
  9. feasibly
  10. featly
  11. fecklessly
  12. federally
  13. federatively
  14. feeblemindedly
  15. feebly
  16. feelingly
  17. felicitously
  18. felinely
  19. feloniously
  20. feminely
  1. ferociously
  2. fervently
  3. festinately
  4. festively
  5. fetchingly
  6. fetidly
  7. fetishistically
  8. feverishly
  9. fibrously
  10. fickly
  11. fictionally
  12. fictitiously
  13. fiducially
  14. fiendishly
  15. fiercely
  16. fierily
  17. fifthly
  18. fiftieth
  19. fifty-fifty
  20. figuratively
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