Adverbs -- Common List in American English - Page 13
  1. frivolously
  2. frondosely
  3. frostily
  4. frowardly
  5. frugally
  6. fruitfully
  7. fruitlessly
  8. frumpishly
  9. frustratingly
  10. fugaciously
  11. fuliginously
  12. fully
  13. fundamentally
  14. funnily
  15. furcular
  16. furiously
  17. further
  18. furthermore
  19. furtively
  20. fussily
  1. fustily
  2. futilely
  3. fuzzily
  4. gaily
  5. gallantly
  6. gallingly
  7. gamesomely
  8. gamily
  9. gapingly
  10. garishly
  11. garrulously
  12. gastronomically
  13. gaudily
  14. gauntly
  15. gauzily
  16. gawkily
  17. gelidly
  18. genealogically
  19. generally
  20. generatively
  1. generically
  2. generously
  3. genetically
  4. genially
  5. geniculately
  6. genitally
  7. genitivally
  8. genocidally
  9. genotypically
  10. genteelly
  11. gentlemanly
  12. gently
  13. genuinely
  14. geobotanically
  15. geocentrically
  16. geochemically
  17. geodetically
  18. geographically
  19. geologically
  20. geometrically
  1. geophysically
  2. geosynchronously
  3. geotactically
  4. geotropically
  5. germanely
  6. germinally
  7. gesturally
  8. ghastly
  9. ghostly
  10. ghoulishly
  11. gibbously
  12. gibingly
  13. giddily
  14. gigantically
  15. gigglingly
  16. gingerly
  17. girlishly
  18. glacially
  19. gladly
  20. gladsomely
  1. glamorously
  2. glandularly
  3. glaringly
  4. glassily
  5. gleefully
  6. glibly
  7. glitteringly
  8. globally
  9. globosely
  10. globularly
  11. gloomily
  12. gloriously
  13. glossily
  14. glumly
  15. glutinously
  16. gluttonously
  17. godlessly
  18. goldenly
  19. goodnaturedly
  20. goofily
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