Adverbs -- Common List in American English - Page 24
  1. occupationally
  2. oceanographically
  3. oceanologically
  4. octagonally
  5. octahedrally
  6. oddly
  7. oddpinnately
  8. odorously
  9. oedipally
  10. offensively
  11. offhandedly
  12. officially
  13. officinally
  14. officiously
  15. offishly
  16. offset
  17. often
  18. oftentimes
  19. oilily
  20. oleaginously
  1. ominously
  2. omnifariously
  3. omnipotently
  4. omnisciently
  5. omnivorously
  6. on
  7. once
  8. onerously
  9. only
  10. onomatopoetically
  11. onward
  12. oozily
  13. opaquely
  14. openhandedly
  15. openheartedly
  16. openly
  17. operably
  18. operantly
  19. operatically
  20. operationally
  1. operatively
  2. operosely
  3. opinionatedly
  4. opportunely
  5. oppositely
  6. oppressively
  7. optatively
  8. optically
  9. optimally
  10. optimistically
  11. optionally
  12. opulently
  13. oracularly
  14. oratorically
  15. orbicularly
  16. orbiculately
  17. orchestrally
  18. orderly
  19. ordinarily
  20. organically
  1. organismically
  2. organizationally
  3. orgasmically
  4. orgiastically
  5. originally
  6. originately
  7. ornamentally
  8. ornately
  9. ornithologically
  10. orographically
  11. orologically
  12. orthodoxly
  13. ortrodontically
  14. oscillographically
  15. osmically
  16. osmotically
  17. ostensibly
  18. ostentatiously
  19. otherwise
  20. otiosely
  1. out
  2. outlandishly
  3. outrageously
  4. outrightly
  5. outspokenly
  6. outstandingly
  7. outward
  8. outwardly
  9. ovally
  10. ovately
  11. overabundantly
  12. overbearingly
  13. overconfidently
  14. overly
  15. overproportionately
  16. overripely
  17. overseas
  18. overtly
  19. overwhelmingly
  20. oviparously
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