Adverbs -- Common List in American English - Page 26
  1. pessimistically
  2. pestiferously
  3. pettily
  4. petulantly
  5. phallically
  6. pharmaceutically
  7. phenomenally
  8. phonetically
  9. phonically
  10. phonily
  11. phonologically
  12. photochemically
  13. physically
  14. pianistically
  15. pictographically
  16. pictorially
  17. piercingly
  18. pithily
  19. pitilessly
  20. pivotally
  1. placidly
  2. plainly
  3. platitudinously
  4. plausibly
  5. playfully
  6. pleadingly
  7. pleasantly
  8. pleasingly
  9. pleasurably
  10. plenarily
  11. plenteously
  12. plentifully
  13. pleonastically
  14. plethorically
  15. pliably
  16. pliantly
  17. plicately
  18. plop
  19. pluckily
  20. plumply
  1. pluralistically
  2. plushily
  3. plushly
  4. plutocratically
  5. pneumatically
  6. poignantly
  7. pointedly
  8. pointlessly
  9. poisonously
  10. pokily
  11. politely
  12. politically
  13. pompously
  14. ponderously
  15. pontifically
  16. poorly
  17. popishly
  18. popularly
  19. populously
  20. pornographically
  1. porously
  2. positionally
  3. positively
  4. possibly
  5. posteriorly
  6. postoperatively
  7. postpositionally
  8. postprandially
  9. potentially
  10. potently
  11. powerfully
  12. powerlessly
  13. practicably
  14. practically
  15. pragmatically
  16. praiseworthily
  17. prancingly
  18. prankishly
  19. pratingly
  20. prattlingly
  1. preachily
  2. precariously
  3. preciously
  4. precipitously
  5. precisely
  6. preclusively
  7. precociously
  8. predicatively
  9. predictably
  10. predictively
  11. predominatingly
  12. preemptively
  13. prefatorily
  14. preferably
  15. preferentially
  16. prefixally
  17. pregnantly
  18. prehistorically
  19. prejudicially
  20. preliminarily
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