Adverbs -- Common List in American English - Page 29
  1. reliably
  2. reliantly
  3. religiously
  4. reluctantly
  5. remediably
  6. remedially
  7. remissly
  8. remittently
  9. remonstrantly
  10. remorsefully
  11. remotely
  12. removedly
  13. renewably
  14. repairably
  15. reparably
  16. repeatedly
  17. repellently
  18. repetitiously
  19. reportorially
  20. reprehensibly
  1. reprovingly
  2. repugnantly
  3. reputably
  4. requisitely
  5. resentfully
  6. residentially
  7. residually
  8. resignedly
  9. resiliently
  10. resistively
  11. resolutely
  12. resolvedly
  13. resonantly
  14. resoundingly
  15. resourcefully
  16. respectably
  17. respectfully
  18. respectively
  19. resplendently
  20. responsibly
  1. responsively
  2. restfully
  3. restlessly
  4. restoratively
  5. resultantly
  6. retentively
  7. reticently
  8. retiringly
  9. retractively
  10. retrievably
  11. retroactively
  12. retrospectively
  13. revengefully
  14. reverberatively
  15. reverentially
  16. reverently
  17. reversely
  18. reversibly
  19. revilingly
  20. revoltingly
  1. revolutionarily
  2. rewardingly
  3. rhapsodically
  4. rhetorically
  5. rheumotoidally
  6. rhythmically
  7. richly
  8. ridiculously
  9. right
  10. righteously
  11. rightfully
  12. rigidly
  13. rigorously
  14. riotously
  15. ritualistically
  16. ritually
  17. roaringly
  18. robustiously
  19. robustly
  20. roisterously
  1. rollickingly
  2. romantically
  3. rosily
  4. rotatively
  5. rottenly
  6. roughly
  7. rousingly
  8. routinely
  9. rowdily
  10. royally
  11. ruddily
  12. rudely
  13. rudimentarily
  14. ruggedly
  15. rumbustiously
  16. rustically
  17. ruthlessly
  18. saccharinely
  19. sacerdotally
  20. sacramentally
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