Homographs, American English -- Page 8
A Homograph are words that:     1. Are Spelled the Same     2. Are Pronounced the Same     3. But have two different meanings
99. pen The pigs are in the pen. (enclosure)
My pen needs some ink. (writing device)
100. perch Birds often perch on trees. (sit)
Many perch live in the ocean. (type of fish)
101. pupil She is the best pupil in class. (student)
The pupil in her eye is blue. (center of eye)
102. point You should not point at people. (aim with finger)
My knife has a sharp point. (tip)
What is the point of the story? (object)
103. pitcher She is the pitcher on our team. (baseball player)
She poured a pitcher of juice. (pouring container)
104. pound I bought a pound of chocolates. (weight measure)
We bought a dog at the pound. (animal pen)
Don't pound on the table. (beat)
105. pit A peach has a large pit inside. (seed)
Some snakes are in the pit. (hole in ground)
We will pit her against him. (match)
106. plane A plane flew them to Paris. (aircraft)
We use a plane to smooth wood. (wood working tool)
107. play He is an actor in a play. (drama)
We play basketball each day. (engage in)
108. park We had a picnic in the park. (playground)
I park my car near my office. (stop and store)
109. pop Do you drink soda pop? (soft drink)
Don't pop the balloon. (burst)
110. pipe My dad smokes a pipe. (smoking device)
The water pipe broke. (conduit)
111. palm There is a palm tree. (tropical tree)
He hurt the palm of his hand. (front of hand)
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