The Moods of Verbs -- American English - Page 1

In addition to tense and voice, verbs have another property which is called mood (or mode). The word mood comes from a Latin word which means manner. When we apply the term mood to verbs, we mean the manner in which the verb expresses the action or state of being.

There are three moods in English, the indicative mood, the imperative mood, and the subjunctive mood.

1. The indicative mood is used to make statement and ask questions. Most of the verbs that you commonly use are in the indicative mood.

The secretary typed the letter (statement of fact)
Did you hear the boy's cry of help? (question)

2. The imperative mood is used to express a command or a request. The imperative mood is found only in the present tense, second person. The subject is always the pronoun you, which is seldom expressed.

Come here at once! (command)
Freeze! (command)
Close the door. (request)
Please come in and sit down? (request)

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