Word Endings IOUS, UOUS, EOUS - Spellers Beware
I found 254 words that end in IOUS: Such as conscious, delicious, curious,
furious, glorious, hilarious, infectious, odious, pious, serious, various and
many others. These are words having an ending sounding like sounding like
"e-us" or "shus".
I found 51 with UOUS: Such as ambiguous, continuous, sensuous, tenuous,
unctuous and others. These are words having an ending sounding like "you-us".
I found 117 words with EOUS: Such as beauteous, courageous, erroneous, gaseous,
gorgeous, hideous, miscellaneous, nauseous. These are words mostly having an
ending sounding like "e-us".
Word Endings TION and SION
I found 2191 words ending in TION: Such as abbreviation, addition, calculation,
devotion, exception, graduation, insertion, location, medication, notation,
partition, question, reception, suggestion, vocation, and others. Generally
those words whose roots end in a T or TE will result in TION.
I found 293 words ending in SION: Such as adhesion, cohesion, compassion,
convulsion, delusion, intension, torsion and others. Generally those words
that end to end with a S or SE will end up with SION.