Page 2 - Selective Adverbs Having Mostly Negative Connotations
Word Modifies Used in a Sentence Definitions
17. awfully adjective He had an awfully long time to wait bad, unpleasant; formidable in nature
18. awkwardly verb She awkwardly answered his question. not graceful; ungainly
19. badly verb She acted badly towards her Mother. not achieving a good standard
20. beguilingly verb He beguilingly stole her money. deception by cajolery or flattery
21. bitterly verb It became a bitterly fought divorce. sharply unpleasant; difficult or distasteful to accept
22. blandly verb The play was a blandly produced drama. dull and insipid
23. blatantly verb He blatantly lied about his involvement. offensively conspicuous
24. bleakly verb Bleakly she faced the new day. gloomy and somber; dreary
25. blindly verb She blindly accepted the answer. without seeing, knowledge; hidden from sight
26. bluntly verb He bluntly replied that he won't go. abrupt and disconcerting frank in speech
27. boastfully verb She boastfully described her achievements. glorify oneself; talk in a self admiring way
28. boorishly verb Boorishly she spoke of her accomplishments. rude and clumsy in behavior
29. brashly verb He brashly spoke about the event. hasty and unthinking; impetuous; lacking tact
30. brazenly verb It was a brazenly attempt to lie. flagrant and insolent audacity
31. brusquely verb He brusquely pushed aside the question. abrupt and curt in manner; discourteously blunt
32. brutally adjective It was a brutally offensive speech. extremely ruthless or cruel; harsh; unrelenting
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