Page 7 - Selective Adverbs Having Mostly Negative Connotations
Word Modifies Used in a Sentence Definitions
97. fanatically verb The fanatically fought for the treasure. marked or motivated by an extreme enthusiasm
98. feebly verb She feebly rose to her feet. lacking strength, vigor, or force; weak
99. ferociously verb The dog ferociously fought off the bear. extremely savage; marked by savage intensity
100. fiendishly verb They fiendishly decided to kill everyone. diabolical; extremely wicked or cruel; barbaric
101. flagrantly verb They flagrantly ignored all rules of conduct. conspicuously bad, offensive, or reprehensible
102. flippantly verb He flippantly sassed back to his Mother. marked by disrespectful levity or casualness
103. foolishly verb She foolishly remarked to her boss. lacking good sense or judgement; unwise
104. forcefully verb He forcefully removed her from the house. characterized by use of force
105. forgetfully verb She forgetfully failed to pay rent. tending or likely to not remember;
106. foully verb He foully treated his employees. offensive to the senses; revolting; rotten or putrid
107. fraudulently verb He fraudulently sold fake watches. engaging in deceit; characterized by or gained by fraud
108. frigidly verb She frigidly greeted her guests. extremely cold; stiff and formal in manner
109. frivolously verb She frivolously answered his question. unworthy of serious attention; trivial; inappropriately silly
110. furtively verb He furtively hid his intentions. Characterized by stealth; surreptitious; shifty
111. gaudily verb She gaudily dressed for the banquet. showy in a tasteless or vulgar way
112. ghastly verb He ghastly described the murder. inspiring shock, revulsion, or horror; unpleasant or bad
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