Page 9 - Selective Adverbs Having Mostly Negative Connotations
Word Modifies Used in a Sentence Definitions
129. hedonistically verb They hedonistically searched for an easy life. pursuit or devotion to pleasure
130. heedlessly verb They heedlessly ignored our wishes. unmindful or thoughtless behavior; hasty; impetuous
131. heinously verb They heinously treated the workers grossly wicked or reprehensible; abominable
132. hellishly verb She acted hellishly towards her coworkers. highly unpleasant; fiendish; worthy of hell
133. hesitantly verb She hesitantly decided to proceed. inclined or tending to be unassertive
134. hideously verb He hideously described the battle's outcome. repulsive, especially to the sight; revoltingly ugly
135. hollowly verb They hollowly praised our hard work. without substance or character; devoid of truth or validity
136. horrendously verb The final result ended horrendously. hideous; dreadful
137. horribly verb I horribly failed to mend their bad feelings. arousing or tending arouse horror; dreadful; very unpleasant
138. hysterically verb She acted hysterically after seeing the result. overcome by panic; terrified; panic-stricken
139. idiotically verb The idiotically proposed to steal the money. showing foolishness or stupidity; lacking intelligence
140. ignominiously verb Our efforts to succeed ended ignominiously. marked by shame or disgrace; degrading; debasing
141. ignorantly verb He ignorantly disclosed our secret codes. lacking education or knowledge; unaware or uninformed
142. immoderately verb He immoderately consumed too much alcohol. exceeding normal or appropriate bounds; extreme
143. immodestly verb She often immodestly wore skimpy clothing. lacking modesty; offending against sexual mores in conduct
144. immorally verb They immorally dressed for a elegant dinner. contrary to established moral principles
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