32. Dark Red
HTML Hex for Dark Red is #8B0000
Red is the color of blood, rubies and strawberries. Next to orange at the
end of the visible spectrum of light, red is commonly associated with danger,
sacrifice, passion, fire, beauty, blood, anger, socialism and communism, and in
China and many other cultures, with happiness.
Red clothing was a sign of status and wealth. It was worn not only by cardinals
and princes, but also by merchants, artisans and town people, particularly on
holidays or special occasions. Red dye for the clothing of ordinary people was
made from the roots of the rubia tinctorum, the madder plant. This color leaned
toward brick-red, and faded easily in the sun or during washing. The wealthy
and aristocrats wore scarlet clothing dyed with kermes, or carmine, made from
the carminic acid in tiny female scale insects, which lived on the leaves of
oak trees in Eastern Europe and around the Mediterranean. The insects were
gathered, dried, crushed, and boiled with different ingredients in a long and
complicated process, which produced a brilliant scarlet.
Red can vary in hue from orange-red to violet-red. and for each hue there are a
wide variety of shades and tints, from very light pink to dark burgundy.