40. Deep Sky Blue
HTML Hex for Deep Sky Blue is #00BFFF
Sky blue is the name of a color, first recorded in English in the 1728
Cyclopӕdia of Ephraim Chambers. Prior to the Chambers reference, the color
had first been used in 1585 in a book by Nicolas De Nicolay where he stated "the
tulbant of the merchant must be skie coloured." Displayed at left is the web
color sky blue.
Deep sky blue is an azure-cyan color associated with deep sky blue. Deep sky
blue is a web color. This color is the color on the color wheel halfway
between azure and cyan. The traditional name for this colour is Capri. The
first use of Capri as a color name in English was in 1920.
The color Capri in general is named for the azure-cyan colour of the
Mediterranean sea around the island of Capri off Italy, the site of several
villas belonging to the Roman Emperor Tiberius, including his Imperial
residence in his later years, the Villa Jovis.
The color name deep sky blue for this color did not come into use until the
promulgation of the X11 colour list in 1987. The name Capri is still used for
this color as well as the name deep sky blue.