85. Medium Purple
HTML Hex for Medium Purple is #9370DB
In the traditional color wheel used by painters, violet and purple are both
placed between red and blue. Purple occupies the space closer to red, between
crimson and violet. Violet is closer to blue, and usually less intense and
bright than purple.
While the scientific definition is clear, the cultural definitions are more
varied. The color called purple by the French, pourpre, contains more red and
half the amount of blue of the color called purple in the United States and the
U.K. In German, this color is sometimes called Purpurrot ("purple-red") to
avoid confusion.
In the Roman Republic, the togas of all citizens were bordered with a purple
stripe. During a triumph, the general being honored wore an entirely purple
toga bordered in gold. The commander of the army wore a purple cloak, called a
paludamentum. During the Roman Empire, purple was reserved for the Emperors.
The Emperor Caligula had a the King of Mauritania assassinated for wearing a
purple mantle better than his own. Nero made it punishable by death for anyone
else to wear the color.