95. Navajo White
HTML Hex for Navajo White is #FFDEAD
Navajo Flag
Navajo White is an orangish white color, or pastel yellow orange, and derives
its name from its similarity to the background color of the Navajo Nation flag.
The name "Navajo White" is usually only used when referring to paint. From the
1970s to the 1990s it was, along with the color bone, one of the standard
interior paint colors used in many tract homes in the United States and
especially apartment complexes as, like the color bone, it does not easily show
stains from cigarette smoke or fingerprints. In recent years it has lost favor
to other shades of off-white, grey, and pastel colors.
In 1987, the color "Navaho white" was included in the X11 color list, which,
after the invention of the world wide web in 1991, became known as the X11 web