Some Confusing English Words - Page 2
Affect and effect
    11. advice, advise
  1. Advice - information; recommendation
  2. Advise - to recommend; to give counsel
    12. affect, effect
  1. Affect - to change
  2. Effect - result or outcome
    13. aid, aide
  1. Aid - a form of help; to help
  2. Aide - an assistant
    14. ail, ale
  1. Ail - to be in ill health
  2. Ale - a drink much like beer
    15. aisle, isle, I'll
  1. Aisle - a passage between rows
  2. Isle - an island
  3. I'll - Contraction of I will
    16. a lot, alot, allot
  1. a lot - a great number
  2. There - no such word as alot
  3. allot - to allocate
    17. allowed, aloud
  1. Allowed - permitted
  2. Aloud - it's audible
    18. allusion, illusion
  1. Allusion - an indirect reference
  2. Illusion - an unreal vision; misapprehension
    19. almost, all most
  1. Almost - nearly
  2. All most - all very much
    20. already, all ready
  1. Already - previously
  2. All ready - all prepared
Affect and Effect