31. area, aria
Area - surface; extent
Aria - a melody
32. arrange, arraign
Arrange - to put into order
Arraign - to call into court
33. assay, essay
Assay - to test, as in an ore
Essay - a treatise; to attempt
34. assistance, assistants
Assistance - help
Assistants - those who help
35. attendance, attendants
Attendance - presence
Attendants - escorts; followers
36. aught, ought, naught
Aught - anything; all
Ought - should
Naught - nothing; zero
37. awhile, a while
Awhile - for a short time
A while - a short period of time
38. bail, bale
Bail - security; handle on a pail; to dip water
Bale - a bundle
39. bare, bear
Bare - naked; empty; to expose
Bear - an animal; to carry; to endure; to produce
40. base, bass
Base - a foundation; mean
Bass - lower notes in music; a type of fish