51. block, bloc
Block - a solid piece of material; to obstruct
Bloc - an interest group pursuing certain goals
52. board, bored
Board - a piece of wood; an organized group; meals
Bored - penetrated; wearied
53. boarder, border
Boarder - one who pays for meals and lodging
Border - a edge
54. bolder, boulder
Bolder - more daring
Boulder - a large rock
55. born, borne
Born - brought into life
Borne - carried; endured
56. boy, buoy
Boy - a male child
Buoy - a water float
57. brake, break
Brake - a retarding device; to retard
Break - an opening; a fracture; to divide
58. bread, bred
Bread - food
Bred - brought up
59. breath, breathe, breadth
Breath - respiration
Breathe - to inhale and exhale
Breadth - width
60. bridal, bridle
Bridal - concerning the bride in a wedding
Bridle - a means of controlling a horse; to take offense