131. done, dun
Done - finished
Dun - to demand payment; a color
132. dose, doze
Dose - a measured quantity
Doze - to sleep lightly
133. dual, duel
Dual - double
Duel - to combat
134. dying, dyeing
Dying - near death
Dyeing - to change the color of
135. elicit, illicit
Elicit - to extract or bring something out
Illicit - illegal
136. eligible, illegible
Eligible - qualified
Illegible - unreadable
137. elusive, illusive
Elusive - baffling; hard to catch
Illusive - misleading; unreal
138. emerge, immerge
Emerge - to rise out of
Immerge - to plunge into
139. emigrate, immigrate
To Emigrate - to exit a country
To immigrate - to come into a country
140. eminent, imminent, emanate
Eminent - well-known; prominent
Imminent - threatening; impending
Emanate - to originate from; to come out of