Some Confusing English Words - Page 16
    151. expansive, expensive
  1. Expansive - capable of being extended
  2. Expensive - costly
    152. facet, faucet
  1. Facet - an aspect
  2. Faucet - a liquid tap
    153. facetious, factitious, fictitious
  1. Facetious - witty
  2. Factitious - artificial
  3. Fictitious - imaginary
    154. facilitate, felicitate
  1. Facilitate - to make easy
  2. Felicitate - to congratulate
    155. facility, felicity
  1. Facility - ease
  2. Felicity - joy
    156. faint, feint
  1. Faint - to dim; weak; to pass out
  2. Feint - to trick; a deceptive move
    157. fair, fare
  1. Fair - favorable, just; an exhibit
  2. Fare - a cost of travel
    158. farther, further
  1. Farther - at a greater distance, referring to the actual distance
  2. Further - to a greater extent or degree, referring to a figurative distance; moreover; in addition
    159. faze, phase
  1. Faze - to intimidate or disturb
  2. Phase - a stage of development
    160. feet, feat, fete
  1. Feet - the plural of foot
  2. Feat - an act of skill or strength
  3. Fete - a festival or feast