171. forbear, forebear
Forbear - to bear with
Forebear - an ancestor
172. forego, forgo
Forego - to go before
Forgo - to relinquish; to let pass
173. formally, formerly
Formally - in a formal manner
Formerly - before
174. fort, forte
Fort - a fortified place
Forte - an area where one excels; loud musical direction
175. forth, fourth
Forth - away; forward
Fourth - the next after the third
176. foreword, forward
Foreword - the preface in a book
Forward - to move ahead
177. foul, fowl
Foul - unfavorable; unclean
Fowl - a bird
178. genius, genus
Genius - great talent
Genus - a classification in botany or zoology
179. gibe, jibe
Gibe - a sarcastic remark; to scoff at
Jibe - to agree
180. grate, great
Grate - a frame of bars (as in a fireplace); to irritate
Great - large; magnificent