201. incinerate, insinuate
Incinerate - to burn
Insinuate - to imply
202. incite, insight
Incite - to arouse
Insight - understanding
203. indict, indite
Indict - to charge with a crime
Indite - to compose; to write
204. indifferent, in different
Indifferent - without interest
In different - in other ways
205. indigenous, indigent, indignant
Indigenous - native
Indigent - needy
Indignant - angry
206. ingenious, ingenuous
Ingenious - clever
Ingenuous - naive
207. insoluble, insolvable, insolvent
Insoluble - capable of being dissolved
Insolvable - not explainable
Insolvent - unable to pay debts
208. instants, instance
Instants - short periods of time
Instance - an example
209. intelligent, intelligible
Intelligent - possessed of understanding
Intelligible - understanding
210. intense, intents
Intense - acute; strong
Intents - aims