Some Confusing English Words - Page 24
    231. loose, lose
  1. Loose - (which rhymes with noose) - not tight
  2. Lose - the opposite of find
    232. loath, loathe
  1. Loath - reluctant
  2. Loathe - to detest
    233. local, locale
  1. Local - pertaining to a particular place
  2. Locale - a particular place
    234. made, maid
  1. Made - constructed
  2. Maid - a servant
    235. magnificent, munificent
  1. Magnificent - having splendor
  2. Munificent - unusually generous
    236. mail, male
  1. Mail - correspondence
  2. Male - the masculine gender
    237. main, mane
  1. Main - chief; a conduit
  2. Mane - the long hair of certain animals
    238. manner, manor
  1. Manner - a way of acting
  2. Manor - an estate
    239. marital, martial, marshal
  1. Marital - pertaining to marriage
  2. Martial - military
  3. Marshal - an official; to arrange
    240. maybe, may be
  1. Maybe - perhaps
  2. May be - a verb consisting of two words