341. statue, stature, statute
Statue - a carved or molded figure
Stature - height
Statute - a law
342. steal, steel
Steal - to take unlawfully
Steel - a form of iron
343. straight, strait
Straight - not crooked; directly
Strait - a water passageway; (plural) distressing situation
344. suit, suite, sweet
Suit - a legal action, to please
Suite - a group of things forming a unit
Sweet - having an agreeable taste; pleasing
345. superintendence, superintendents
Superintendence - management
Superintendents - supervisors
346. tack, tact
Tack - direction; to change direction
Tact - considerate way of behaving so as to avoid offending
347. tail, tale
Tail - the end
Tale - a story
348. tare, tear, tier
Tare - allowance for weight
Tear - a rent or rip ( pronounced like tare); a secretion from the eye
(pronounced by tier)
Tier - a row or layer
349. taught, taut
Taught - did teach
Taut - tight; tense
350. team, teem
Team - a group
Teem - to abound