Some Confusing English Words - Page 39
Weather Balloon
    381. weather, whether, wether
  1. Weather - state of the atmosphere; to come through safely
  2. Whether - if
  3. Wether - castrated ram
    382. whoever, who ever
  1. Whoever - anyone who
  2. Who ever - Who ever did said that? Ever is an adverb.
    383. when, where
  1. Don't use either of these words in a definition
  2. When - Wrong: Fatique is when you are tired.
  3. Where - Wrong Home is where you sleep.
    384. who, which, that
  1. Who - Use who for writing about people.
  2. Which - Use if writing about places, objects and animals
  3. That - Use if referring to a class, species or type
    385. whose, who's
  1. Whose - possessive of who
  2. Who's - contraction of who is
    386. wood, would
  1. Wood - lumber
  2. Would - an auxiliary verb form (as in they would like some)
    387. yoke, yolk
  1. Yoke - a cross piece that holds two things together; an oppressive constraint
  2. Yolk - The yellow part of the egg
    388. your, you're
  1. Your - belonging to you
  2. You're - contraction of you are