How Best to Agree and Disagree - Page 2
Agree or Disagree with the Idea Not the Person |
C. How to Disagree Politely with an Opinion.
1. I am not so sure. 2. Do you think so? 3. Well, it depends. 4. I'm not so certain. 5. Well, I don't know. 6. Well, I'm not so sure about that. 7. Hmm, I'm not sure your idea is right. 8. I'm inclined to disagree with that idea. 9. No, I don't think so. |
D. How to Disagree Strongly with an Opinion.
1. I disagree with your idea. 2. I'm afraid I don't agree. 3. I'm afraid your idea is wrong. 4. I can't agree with your idea. 5. I couldn't accept that idea for a minute. 6. You can't actually mean that. 7. I wouldn't go along with your idea there. 8. You can't be serious about that point. 9. It's possible you are mistaken about that. |
You need to be very polite when disagreeing with someone in English,
even someone you know quite well.
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