Words, Words and Words

Is the Ending ANT, ANCE, ENT, or ENCE?

Words ending in ant, ance, ent, and ence follow no clear-cut pattern, therefore, consult a dictionary when in doubt.

  1. existent
  2. insistent
  3. assistance
  4. persistent
  5. resistant
  6. maintenance
  7. defendant
  8. variance
  9. audience
  10. endurance
  1. dependent
  2. relevance
  3. descendant
  4. transcendent
  5. surveillance
  6. occurrence
  7. recurrence
  8. sufferance
  9. ambience
  10. romance
  1. intelligence
  2. patience
  3. experience
  4. defiant
  5. convenience
  6. acceptance
  7. prudence
  8. vigilance
  9. consequence
  10. splendent
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