Emperor Penguins Bird Stereotypes - Penguins - 14 - Page 1


From the typical coloring which resembles a tuxedo or Black tie suit - they are often portrayed as upper-class restaurant waiters, formal prime examples occurring in the Disney movies Mary Poppins and Who Framed Roger Rabbit. In cartoons penguins are sometimes ironically depicted as being so afraid of the cold that they clothe themselves with bonnets, scarves and gloves.

Although all penguin species are native to the Southern Hemisphere, they are not found only in cold climates, such as Antarctica. In fact, only a few species of penguin live so far south. Penguins seem to have no special fear of humans, and have approached groups of explorers without hesitation. This is probably because penguins have no land predators in Antarctica or the nearby offshore islands. Dogs preyed upon penguins while they were allowed in Antarctica during the age of early human exploration as sled dogs, but dogs are now banned from Antarctica.

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Emperor Penguins

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